Saturday, July 2, 2011

There once was a man from Nantucket: A Bucket List of sorts

Hello there, people of Earth, Jupiter, and Nebraska!

(oh, let's be honest, if anyone reads this, they are most likely from Ohio)

Ok. So. I've been having trouble sleeping at night. Like, for real. Last night, I didn't fall asleep until like 4:30 AM. And then, an hour later, we had a thunderstorm with the loudest effing thunder I had ever heard. Needless to say, I woke up and wasn't the happiest camper.

But I haven't come here to bitch about my janky sleep patterns or moan about Ohio's bipolar weather.
Oh no. You see, these sleep-less times have inspired some deep thinking. Not "what is the meaning of life?" kinda deep, but deep nonetheless. Last night, I was thinking about things I'd like to do before I die. I'm stuck in the lovely town of Upper Sandusky this summer and all you can do in this damn town is dream of the things you're going to do and accomplish once you say "sayonara" to the corn fields, close-minded townfolk, and hot, stinky factories.

So this, my bloggy friends, is my bucket list- the things that I want to accomplish before I push up daisies.

See Radiohead live.

Everyone should have the chance to see their favorite band live. Radiohead has made such an impact on me and they will always be my favorite band no matter what. Thinking of seeing one of my personal heroes, Thom Yorke, as well as the rest of the band in person is so exciting. If I saw them live, I'd most likely pee my pants. Here's to hoping that they go on tour soon. (pleasepleaseplease!)

Live in California.

I have absolutely no intentions of staying in Ohio once I graduate college. My dreams belong in a place with more excitement.

Become a journalist.

Ideally, I'd write for a music magazine, such as Spin, Rolling Stone, or NME. That way, both of my passions would converge- writing and music.

Fall deeply in love.

I think I may want this more than anything else.

Learn to play the harmonica.

The world's most underappreciated instrument.

Learn to tap dance. 

Don't ask me why, but I've always wanted to learn this.

Backpack across the United Kingdom.

I'm an Anglophile who is more interested in English culture than American (seriously, better music, movies, and clothes). I can't wait to experience this place.

Write a screenplay.

I love movies. And I would love to become the next Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Cameron Crowe, or John Hughes, but I really want to write a screenplay featuring elements of my own life.

Read poetry aloud.

I would love to read poetry aloud, whether it's my own or by a poet I admire. Poetry is beautiful. 

Inspire someone to go vegetarian.
Becoming a vegetarian is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I would feel so good if I inspired someone to try a meatless lifestyle!

Get dreads.

What can I say? I'm a hippie at heart.

Go to Chuck E. Cheese's.
It was always a dream of mine to go to this fun eatery when I was a wee child, and I still want to go. Just goes to show you that a dream deferred doesn't just dry up like a raisin in the sun.

Pay off all of my debts.

 Oh college, you're taking all my money- real and borrowed. I can't wait to get rid of this debt.

Own a record shop near the beach.

Ultimate goal in life.

I will accomplish these things at one point in life.

Just watch me.

2 July 2011
<3 !

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